Is Lecithin Truly the “Holy Grail” for Cumming Buckets?

The Holy Grail has been around for centuries. The first-ever Holy Grail was a cup or a dish that offered everlasting youth (this concept can be cited as far back as 1100 in written literature). In recent years, the term “Holy Grail” has been used to represent something elusive; always being searched for.

What about The Holy Grail of Cum, though? Finding out how to achieve my very own holy grail of glorious cum loads has been my mission for years. I’m here to share some of the things I’ve learned so far.

All over the internet, in Reddit posts, forums, and blogs, the “Holy Grail of Cum” has been taking over by storm. And, fortunately for us, “The Holy Grail of Cum” is not quite as elusive as the name suggests.

Why Am I Searching for The Holy Grail of Cum?

This seems like a no-brainer for me, but let me lay it out for you.

Do you want your climax to be absolutely top-notch?

Do you want to cum so hard and so much that your body shudders with the pure joy of it?

Seriously, who doesn’t?

I always thought my cum load was fixed. It was a part of me and nothing would affect it (besides drinking more water and exercising, of course). But after doing some research, I stumbled on all the discussions about The Holy Grail.

I found out it’s totally possible, even at my age, to achieve this. Sex is a big part of my personality, it’s a big source of happiness for me, so if I can improve it in such a drastic way – well, let’s just say I’ll be much happier. So here I am, hunting for the Holy Grail of Cum!

What is The Holy Grail of Cum?

There are a few variations of similar concoctions floating around on the web – but generally, The Holy Grail of Cum is a group of nutrients or supplements that can effectively make your cum load stronger, erections last longer, and offer you and your partner that so-desired porn production experience in bed.

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

Kinda close, but not entirely. The Holy Grail of Cum is actually Lecithin, Zinc, Pygeum, and L-Arginine.

One Reddit user shared a personal formula to achieve desirable cum-loads:

Recipe (daily dose):

  • L-Arginine, 1000mg

L-Arginine is an amino acid naturally found in red meat, fish, poultry, and dairy. It’s a key ingredient for circulation. It’s often recommended to help with erectile dysfunction.

  • Zinc, 50mg

Zinc is an essential supplement only obtained through food or supplements. It’s a powerhouse supplement that helps your body in an endless amount of ways. The key with zinc here is that several studies link zinc deficiency to erectile dysfunction and show how zinc can help maintain a longer-lasting erection.

  • Pygeum, 100mg

Pygeum is derived from the bark in a tree native to Africa, called Prunus Africana. Many people claim it is useful to prevent erectile dysfunction.

  • Lecithin, 1200mg

Lecithin is one key ingredient for the “Holy Grail of Cum” that almost all anecdotal stories agree with! Lecithin is a mixture of fats found naturally in many different foods (sunflower seeds, eggs, soybeans).

Your body converts Lecithin into acetylcholine, a substance that transmits nerve impulses. Many anecdotal statements point to lecithin greatly and miraculously increasing ejaculation size!

In addition, lecithin itself is an ingredient found in semen! It would be no surprise if the anecdotal statements prove true!

“The Holy Grail of Cum” Formula

If you do a simple online search, you’ll see that we are far from the only ones hunting for the solution to the perfect cum shot.

What I’ve found is that many men (including myself) have tried different variations of the formula above. Some have tweaked it a little bit, adding or taking things out, as their body adjusts to the ingredients. Some add other ingredients, such as L-Lysine, while others take out an ingredient they feel doesn’t offer much help.

Some men report taking this formula daily, or even two or three times a day. While other men report dosing up hard the day before they plan to show off that magical cum load. The latter doesn’t work for me, I can’t always plan ahead when I’m going to be making my girl scream, but to each their own.

There does seem to be a consensus among internet users – Lecithin seems to work magic!

What’s So Special about Lecithin?

Almost every man who experienced positive results said they definitely got the most out of Lecithin. It was the one ingredient in the formula that really worked wonders and led to that massive, porn-perfect cum shot.

I can also speak from experience, out of all the individual ingredients found in the online “Holy Grail of Cum” formula, this was the one that gave me the best results.

I started taking 1,200 mg every morning and instantly noticed significant increases in my cum loads. My orgasms were much longer, more satisfying, and much heavier.

What Do Internet Users Say?

I have stumbled across dozens and dozens of personal testimonials on my hunt that inspired me to give the Holy Grail of Cum a shot, so I’m going to share what some Reddit users say about their experience:

“My girlfriend likes to swallow my cum, but I don’t always finish in her mouth. I CERTAINLY never told her about my little experiment or let on in any way. Time went by and one night, I finished in her mouth, and SHE kind of choked and after getting it down said “WHOA! That was a HUGE load! What the HELL!”

Another Reddit user said while sharing a personal experience of the results of this concoction:

“What I feel is that I feel a delay (like maybe a half-second) in the ejaculation where I feel the “whoosh” of the orgasm rising slower than normal, and then it comes out feeling thicker and fuller than it would without.

These are just two examples I’ve come across proving the success of the Holy Grail of Cum, and there are a ton more where these came from! It definitely was inspiring to read and motivated me to continue the hunt for my Holy Grail.

What Does the Science Say?

It’s easy to find anecdotal stories and personal experiences online about the Holy Grail of Cum, but what does science say about this concoction?

I’ll tell you right now, it doesn’t say a whole lot.

There is some evidence that certain ingredients are beneficial in other areas of your health.


Lecithin is reported to help improve heart health, cholesterol reduction, better digestion, enhanced cognitive function, and anxiety among other ailments.

That being said, there are also reports that lecithin can harden your arteries when taken in large quantities.


Men often take pygeum to help with bladder and prostate health. There are no known side effects with taking pygeum for up to 12 months!


Zinc is an essential nutrient and can help with a whole laundry list of things within your body. There are no side effects of taking Zinc as a supplement. Not only can it reportedly help your money shots, but it helps your immune system, enzymatic reactions, and growth and development in your body.


L-Arginine is also used to help with a list of various ailments. L-Arginine is used for chest pain, blood flow problems, erectile dysfunction, and high blood pressure.

And What About All Together?

While there’s significant research out there about these individual nutrients and how they can help your body – there really isn’t any scientific information available about how they can work together to help porn-star cum loads.

My General Consensus

So, I’ve been on the hunt for the most perfect “Holy Grail of Cum” for ages now. You’re probably wondering what I think of this popular concoction men all over are talking about. Well basically, I think it’s a great start!

I definitely wasn’t disappointed with the results. And I will say I saw the results. Definitely stronger, better, longer orgasms. I felt the vibrations course through my body with each load I let loose; just like when I was a teenager.

I’d say it worked – but there are some downsides to this Holy Grail and this leads me to believe there are some better alternatives out there.

All-inclusive dietary supplements are far easier to use and produce better results thanks to optimally dosed formulas. Feel free to check out my in-depth review of Semenax®, and Volume Pills® to see if either might be a better fit for you.

Cons of the “Holy Grail” Formula

So, I found the “Holy Grail of Cum” formula. I took Lecithin, Zinc, Pygeum, and L-Arginine every single day (sometimes twice a day) and it worked. I felt the changes in my body during my orgasms. My girl definitely felt them. We were both happy – but it wasn’t perfect.

Purely Anecdotal

Unfortunately, there is very little scientific evidence supporting this “Holy Grail of Cum” formula. And by very little, I mean there is almost no scientific evidence supporting it. There are, however, endless threads online all about personal and anecdotal stories backing it up. Take that as you may.

Taking Tons of Pills

To achieve your best results you’re taking anywhere from 4-10 pills (depending on what you decide is your perfect dosages) a day, sometimes twice a day. As you can imagine, this is a pretty significant nuisance. You get used to the process – but it’s still not comfortable.


While I couldn’t personally put a price tag on epic cum loads, buying a large assortment of different pills and nutrients eventually does dig into your wallet.

Having to “Shop Around”

It was difficult to find all of these nutrients in one place, and I found myself searching in several different stores to find the right dosages and sizes I needed.

A Magic One Pill Formula

While the infamous “Holy Grail of Cum” formula has been tried and tested by many and given pretty wonderful results – it isn’t perfect. A one or two-pill alternative that leads to that miraculous cum-booster would be a perfect solution for those of us that want to aim higher and harder without being too inconvenienced.

How About a Natural Approach?

So, in my research, I also came across many men that claimed there are more natural options available to achieve the same results. These often encompassed the idea of a healthy diet, lots of exercises, and lots of water.

I’m not against a natural approach at all, however, exercise and water are already a huge part of my daily routine so I’m not sure how much more it could help.

As for diet and eating more vegetables…well this is always a good idea. But let’s be real, I am not perfect. I can’t always eat the perfect meal every single day.

Adjust Your Daily Routine for Better Cum Loads

But in case you want to give the natural approach a go as well, here are some things you can change in your life to try to perfect that cum load:

  • Cut out alcohol
  • Cut out smoking/drugs
  • Drink LOTS of water
  • Exercise every day
  • Get a full night’s sleep
  • Eat more vegetables (specifically; eggs, spinach, bananas, asparagus)

As you can see, it isn’t easy to naturally obtain the perfect cum load on your own. You would have to make a lot of sacrifices and maintain a strict daily regime. But if this is the route you want to take – go for it, and let me know how it works out for you! I couldn’t make it a week of eating asparagus before my girlfriend complained about the taste.

My Final Conclusion

The “Holy Grail of Cum” formula could be worth a shot. There isn’t much to lose for those of us that would try anything for that perfect cum load and orgasm. While there isn’t any scientific evidence supporting the Holy Grail formula (probably just for a lack of research), there are pages and pages of anecdotal stories all over the internet.

While it’s definitely worth a shot if you’re also after that perfect cum load, I do think there must be easier and more efficient options available out there. Feel free to check out my in-depth review of Semenax®, and Volume Pills® to see if either might be what you need to see those explosive orgasms!

Richard Cummins

My name is Richard Cummins and there’s something you should probably know about me; I’m a sexoholic. Ok, maybe I haven’t been professionally diagnosed as a sexoholic, but I'm pretty sure I'm one!</br></br>I have created this blog to document my quest for The Holy Grail Of Cum! Join me on this journey as I discover natural solutions, daily tips and even seek advice from some cool dudes (maybe even some pornstars), and let's have some fun along the way!</br></br><a href="">Click Here To Read My Full Story</a>

Posted by Richard Cummins

My name is Richard Cummins and there’s something you should probably know about me; I’m a sexoholic. Ok, maybe I haven’t been professionally diagnosed as a sexoholic, but I'm pretty sure I'm one!

I have created this blog to document my quest for The Holy Grail Of Cum! Join me on this journey as I discover natural solutions, daily tips and even seek advice from some cool dudes (maybe even some pornstars), and let's have some fun along the way!

Click Here To Read My Full Story

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