How To Cum More Naturally: Natural Ways To Increase Semen Volume

Do you ever feel dissatisfied after sex? Have you ever thought about how there’s more you can do to intensify each orgasm, but you just don’t know what it is? Have you ever fantasized about reliving that perfect cum-shot?
Well, unless you have given thought to your cum load volume, then chances are you haven’t been able to answer those questions yourself. Fortunately, we will enlighten you on the merits of increased semen volume. Increasing your cum size and having the ability to cum in quantities you’ve only ever seen in porn has a massive effect on orgasm intensity and overall sexual satisfaction.
We are here to talk about exactly why you want to consider taking action to increase your semen volume and the natural lifestyle changes you can make. After reading through this article, you will be ready to begin the journey down cum alley.
The Science Behind The Semen
Before we get into the nitty-gritty revolving around your cum size, let’s go over some basics about semen.
Semen is a liquid substance created in the male reproductive organs. It is made of approximately 10% sperm and various fluids produced and picked up in different glands. Semen is produced through ejaculation. Ejaculation is controlled by the central nervous system and occurs when there is friction in the genitalia. This friction leads to impulses that are sent up to the brain through the spinal cord that orders the semen to be released.
The average semen volume per ejaculation ranges. For most men, semen volume is between 3.4 milliliters and 4.99 milliliters.

Why You Want To Cum More
The answer should be simple. You want to cum more because you want that visualization of large amounts of cum covering your bedroom partner. Being able to completely coat your partner with your own juices is a huge turn-on for practically any man.
The advantages of larger cum loads go beyond appearance. You also want to prolong the orgasm for greater intensity. The longer the orgasm, the longer you can enjoy it. Larger cum loads sensationalize the orgasm to a whole new level.
Semen Volume and Sperm Quality
Let’s be clear— semen volume does not automatically improve sperm quality for higher rates of fertility. There is currently no scientific evidence that reveals a connection between semen volume and sperm quality. There are, however, some studies that point to lifestyle changes that help you achieve a healthy reproductive system.
Some of those lifestyle changes may overlap with the natural ways to increase semen volume, as well. Although we should note that the goal of this article is not to advise on improving sperm quality. Instead, the goal is to share some tips on increasing semen volume for a more satisfying ejaculation.
If you are looking to increase fertility and improve the health of your little swimmers, that is a conversation for a different day. If you are looking to simply increase semen volume to feel like a pornstar, you are in the right place.
Semen Volume and Orgasm Intensity
There is some evidence that marks a correlation between semen volume and orgasm intensity. While the research is relatively limited, there are also endless personal testimonials of men from all around the world that can back up this claim.
During male ejaculation, you are introducing all kinds of pleasure hormones and chemicals through the body. Dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, and oxytocin all pump through the body during each orgasm. These hormones and chemicals are responsible for all the “feel good” moments during an orgasm.
By increasing your semen volume, which in turn increases the length of time of the orgasm, you will experience an even greater level of euphoria and satisfaction. To summarize, you want to cum more because you want to intensify your orgasms and drag out all those pleasurable sensations.

Reasons Your Cum Might Be Lacking
If you’ve noticed a significant decline in your semen volume, there is nothing to be worried about just yet. There are a lot of factors that result in low semen counts during orgasm and ejaculation. Before we go into how you can change your lifestyle to increase the cum load, let’s first look at some common causes of declining semen count.
- Age. Men generally produce the largest quantities of semen while in their 30s.1 From there, the semen volume gradually declines. One study showed that after the age of 45, semen volume begins to significantly go downhill.2 As we get older, our bodies don’t process and react with as much rigor and strength as they used to. While this may be disappointing, it is a perfectly natural occurrence.
- Overall Health. Your overall health and medical conditions may play a part in the size of your cum load, as well. For example, if you have diabetes you may notice a change in your semen amounts and orgasm intensity. Other medical factors that may contribute are hormonal imbalances or other hormonal medical conditions.
- Genetics. Hereditary factors play a part in almost everything. Not surprisingly, they can have a role in semen volume. Some genetic lines may just produce less semen than others. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done about genetics.
Age, overall health, and genetics can’t really be altered to improve performance. But there are some natural methods a man can consider to increase his odds of increasing semen volume for intense, mind-blowing orgasms.
Natural Ways To Increase Semen Volume
Setting aside age, medical conditions, and genetics, what exactly can be done to increase semen volume? There are a lot of different approaches to this question. We are going to talk about seven proven strategies to maximize cum quantities. You can choose to experiment with one of these or all of them. It is your decision. The size of your cum load and intensity of your orgasm is in your own hands.
Reduce Frequency of Ejaculation
If you’re ejaculating too often then you are not giving your body enough time to restore its supplies. Your body needs time and energy to replenish the semen built up in the body. If you’ve recently been dissatisfied with your cum volume, try refraining from sex or masturbation for a few days or weeks.
You may have experienced this before. If it’s been a long time since you’ve had sex, you orgasm with such ferocious intensity when it finally happens. One study revealed a significant difference in semen volume between varying levels of masturbation frequency.3 This study supports the claim that there is a direct correlation between ejaculation frequency and semen volume.
The downside to this restriction is it is just not fun. It is difficult to refrain from sex and masturbation. While science supports this method of semen volume improvement, it might not be viable for everyone.
Edging is a relatively new sexual technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This newly mainstream technique involves just reaching the edge of orgasm and stopping or pausing before the climax. It often only takes a couple of seconds or a minute of a break for the body to adjust.
You can edge to the brink of orgasm as many times as you’d like during the sexual encounter. Each time you stop the orgasm, you are allowing the semen to gradually build up. The more often you stop, the more massive the cum shot will be.
While this method is tried and true among any man who has experimented with it, it is not for everyone. It does require a great deal of self-control. You have to be able to stop yourself from reaching that so-desired feeling of release several times before being able to reap the benefits. In addition, it certainly prolongs the sexual encounter. It is not suggested for “quickies” or time constraints.

Drink More Water
Approximately 60% of semen is made up of fluids.4 During the process of ejaculation, liquids from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles are added to sperm to dilute it. You can try to drink more water and fluids throughout the day if you have noticed a decline in semen volume. Drinking more water will put more fluids within the body to work with.
Drinking water is also directly correlated to a healthy body and mind. Improving health and mental state are key factors when it comes to increasing sexual arousal and improving your cum loads.
A problem with relying on this method is it really only works within normal semen volume parameters. It will not bring semen levels to unseen levels on its own. That being said, drinking water can only improve your semen amounts and sexual satisfaction. It will never harm the experience, so it may still be worth the try.
Try Different Exercises
Obesity is directly connected to poor sperm quality.5 While sperm quality and semen volume are not the same thing, there is some evidence to suggest regular exercise can impact both. In addition, exercise contributes to an overall healthier lifestyle and mental mindset. This means you will have more energy for more satisfying sexual activities.
It is suggested to exercise three times a week for at least 30 minutes. But there is more you can do. Kegel exercises in particular are shown to help improve semen volume.
Kegel exercises are easy and simple. With enough practice, you can do them while sitting, walking, or laying down. All you have to do is locate your pelvic floor muscles. You tighten your pelvic floor muscles and hold for 3-5 seconds, rest for 3-5 seconds, and repeat. It is recommended to do this 20-30 times a day to build desired strength.
Kegel exercises increase blood flow to the groin, making for harder and stronger erections. In addition, kegel exercises give you more control over contractions. This means you can command and delay ejaculation more efficiently.
Adjust Your Diet
Diet can affect your weight, mental health, and hormone levels. All three factors are important to balance in regard to healthy semen production and ejaculation. Here are some key nutrients, minerals, and foods that can help improve performance and semen volume.
- Testosterone Rich Foods. Increasing testosterone levels may help balance hormones. This results in increased libido, improved mood, and higher energy levels. All of these can improve endurance and ejaculation ability. Some foods that can aid testosterone levels are oysters, ginger, and leafy greens.
- Protein. Certain types of protein-rich foods are shown to help increase semen volume. This can be a little tricky because while some proteins help restore the ultimate cum loads, some might harm it. Red meat, eggs, scallops, lobster, and mussels are some tasty protein-rich foods that can assist with your semen production.
- Vitamin B. This vitamin is shown to help improve energy levels and stamina in the bedroom. This means you will have more energy to perform top-notch. Some recommended foods that are loaded with Vitamin B are bananas and seaweed/sea vegetables.
- Vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in sperm volume. Vitamin C is responsible for protecting the body from free radicals. Free radicals can harm sperm quality and quantity. Some healthy food options that contain significant amounts of Vitamin C are asparagus, capsicum, and avocado.
- Vitamin A. This is another nutrient that has proven to be beneficial for both semen volume and sperm quality. Some foods to look out for are carrots, dried apricots, and red bell peppers.
- Maca. Maca is often referred to as a “miracle food”. There are a lot of restorative properties of maca. One of them is sperm production and volume. This superfood is packed full of over 55 phytochemicals that help the body improve overall performance, including balancing hormones, improving energy levels, and increasing testosterone.
These are just a few of the nutrients, vitamins, and foods to keep an eye on while you try to increase your cum load. At the end of the day, you want to live a healthy lifestyle to help support the body for better physical performance.
The problem with adjusting diet to increase semen volume is it takes a lot of time and effort. It is difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and maybe even more expensive. Although this may be an instance where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Lower Stress Levels
There is no question that stress is connected to semen volume. One study looked at 179 men with semen volumes ranging from average to slightly below average. The results of the study revealed that occupational stress is negatively correlated with semen volume.6
This suggests that you want to lower your daily stress intake to increase your cum load. You can try different exercises to relieve yourself of stress, meditation, breathing exercise, or increasing sleep time. Lowering stress levels will also improve overall physical health, mental health, and energy levels.
Unfortunately, stress cannot always be controlled. While the above methods might be beneficial to manage stress, we don’t always have a say in our work or home lives that may be the source of the stress.

Look Into Natural Health Supplements
Natural health supplements are the easy way out when it comes to increasing semen volume and orgasm intensity. There are a lot of natural health supplements on the market that do exactly this for you.
Semenax is an herbal home supplement that increases orgasm intensity by extending the length of the orgasm, quantity of semen, and control over sexual contractions. Studies show that participants that took Semenax regularly noticed a 70% increase in seminal vesicle fluids.
Another great option for natural health supplements is Volume Pills. This herbal supplement promises to increase semen volume up to 500%. It works similarly to Semenax. It relies on all-natural, proven ingredients to drastically improve your cum load and sexual performance.
We really love these health supplements because they are all-natural. They are also easy options for men who just don’t have it in them to completely change their lives for the cause. They are affordable, effective, and truly life-changing when it comes to orgasm intensity.
Are You Ready To Cum Hard?
There we have it. We have presented every important resource to you concerning your semen volume. Remember that men want to increase cum size to experience more intense, unforgettable, leg-shaking orgasms.
These seven natural lifestyle changes can drastically increase your cum load. If you try every single one of these methods, there is no doubt that you will be cumming so hard, that you won’t remember what day it is.
Even if you try just a handful of these methods, you are bound to notice a significant improvement. Whether you are currently satisfied with your sex life or not, it can be improved with more cum thrown around. The final step is for you to get out there and do it!
And if you’re looking for more ways to cum better, check out our article “The Cum Holy Grail Guide: Tips & Tricks for Bigger Loads.”